A double-degree program

Double degree programs are a great chance to get not only international experience, but also to become the owner of two diplomas during the period of study in one bachelor's or master's degree program. 

A student enrolled in a dual degree program studies the subjects of their field at two universities and, accordingly, receives two diplomas of higher education. Training can take place in parallel at both universities or sequentially, which will also save money.

Within the framework of the LMPT project of the ERASMUS+ program, an agreement was signed on the joint implementation of bachelor's and master's degree programs in the specialty "Sustainable tourism development" between ADAM University and Neofit-Rilski Southwestern University, Bulgaria, the project coordinators. In addition, in accordance with the agreement, a double degree program will be implemented with the Baltic International University (Latvia) and the Aristotle University (Greece). 

Students mostly expect to get a prestigious high-quality education and gain advanced skills; obtain a diploma from a European University; get a job abroad or pass an internship; study another foreign language and are acquainted with specialists in the field of interest abroad.

For Adam University, dual degree programs (joint degrees) serve as a tool to improve the effectiveness of their own development programs, obtain international accreditation, award qualifications, or serve as a means to increase the competitiveness of "their" or to provide additional income (for example, by franchising their programs and degrees).